Use the passage from The Landlord's Mistake to answer questions 3 and 4.
When John Adams was president and Thomas Jefferson was vice president of the United States, there was not a railroad in all the world.
People did not travel very much. There were no broad, smooth highways as there are now The roads were crooked and muddy and rough
If a man was obliged to go from one city to another, he often rode on horseback Instead of a trunk for his clothing, he carried a pair of saddlebags. Instead of sitting at his ease in a parlor car, he went jotting along through mud and mire, exposed to wind and weather
One day some men were sitting by the door of a hotel in Baltimore As they looked down the street they saw a horseman coming He was riding very slowly, and both he and his horse were bespattered with mud
"There comes old Farmer Mossback," said one of the men, laughing. "He's just in from the backwoods"
"He seems to have had a hard time of it," said another, "I wonder where he'll put up for the night"
"Oh, any kind of a place will suit him," answered the landlord. "He's one of those country fellows who can sleep in the haymow and eat with the horses
The traveler was soon at the door. He was dressed plainty, and, with his reddish-brown hair and mud-bespattered face, looked like a hard working countryman just in trom the backwoods
"Have you a room here for me?" he asked the landlord
Now the landlord prided himself upon keeping a first-class hotel, and he feared that his guests would not like the rough-looking traveler. So he answered: "No sir. Every room is full The only place I could put you would be in the bam"
"Well then answered the stranger, "I will see what they can do for me at the Planters Tavern, round the comer," and he rode away
About an hour later, a well-dressed gentleman came into the hotel and said, "I wish to see Mr Jefferson"
"Mr Jeffersont said the landlord
res, su Thomas Jefferson, the vice president of the United States"
"He min't here
"Oh but he mist be I met him as he rode into town, and he said that he intended to stop at this hotel. He has been here about an hour"
No he hasen The only man that has been here for lodging to-day was an old clodhopper who was so spattered with mud that you couldn't see the color of his coat. I sent him round to the Planters
Tin he have region crown hair, and did he ride a gray horse?"
"Yes, and he was quite tall"
"That was Mr Jefferson," said the gentleman
"Mr Jeffersonl" cried the landlord. "Was that the vice president? Here, Dickl build a fire in the best room Put everything in tiptop order, Sally What a dunce I was to tum Mr. Jefferson away! He shall have all the rooms in the house, and the ladies' parlor, too, I'll go right round to the Planters' and fetch him back"
So he went to the other hotel, where he found the vice president sitting with some friends in the parlor
"Mi Jefferson," he said, "I have come to ask your pardon. You were so bespattered with mud that I thought you were some old farmer If you'll come back to my house, you shall have the best room in it-yes, all the rooms if you wish Won't you come?"
"No." answered Mr Jefferson "A farmer is as good as any other man, and where there's no room for a farmer, there can be no room for me
Write a RARE response in which you identify the theme of the story and give textual evidence to support your theme.
3 answers
This theme is supported by the quote, "A farmer is as good as any other man, and where there's no room for a farmer, there can be no room for me." This statement by Mr. Jefferson emphasizes the importance of treating everyone equally and with respect, regardless of their background or appearance. Additionally, the way the landlord quickly changes his attitude and rushes to apologize and offer the best accommodations to Mr. Jefferson after realizing his mistake further underscores the theme of not judging others based on superficial factors.