The author uses euphemism to insult Tom without being too harsh or direct. By describing Tom as "a bit style-challenged" and noting that his "humor leaves a lot to be desired," the author uses softer language to convey a negative view of Tom's style and sense of humor while avoiding outright criticism.
Use the paragraph to answer the question.Tom is a pretty okay guy. Sure, he’s a bit style-challenged, and his humor leaves a lot to be desired—but at the end of the day, if you dropped a twenty on the ground and Tom saw, I’d say there’s a fifty percent chance you’d get it back.How does the author use euphemism?(1 point)Responsesto explain why Tom is an okay guy despite his flawsto explain why Tom is an okay guy despite his flawsto insult Tom without being too harsh or directto insult Tom without being too harsh or directto talk about Tom without showing the narrator’s true feelingsto talk about Tom without showing the narrator’s true feelingsto portray Tom in a more favorable or positive way
1 answer