Use the paragraph to answer the question. Think about the last time you ordered a drink from a restaurant. Did you use a straw or drink directly from the cup? It is common for people to use a plastic straw to drink at restaurants or at home, but these straws end up in our oceans, polluting the waters and endangering marine life. Americans alone use 500 million straws each day, which is enough to wrap around Earth 2.5 times. Luckily, there are small changes people can make in their daily lives to reduce that number. Which type of text would this paragraph best introduce?(1 point)Responsesa persuasive essay that tries to convince people to recyclea persuasive essay that tries to convince people to recyclea persuasive essay that tries to convince people to clean up pollutiona persuasive essay that tries to convince people to clean up pollutionan informative text about how plastic is madean informative text about how plastic is madean informative text about how people can use less plastic
19 answers
a persuasive essay that tries to convince people to use less plastic
What should always be included in an introductory paragraph?(1 point)Responsesan instruction for the reader to do somethingan instruction for the reader to do somethingan outline of the important ideasan outline of the important ideasa summary of important ideasa summary of important ideasthe main idea
Which organizational structure should a writer use in an essay about how screen use impacts teenagers?(1 point)Responsescompare and contrastcompare and contrasthow-tohow-tocause and effectcause and effectsequence
Which graphic would be best to accompany an article about the different agricultural regions of California?(1 point)Responsesa photograph of a farm where many different crops are growna photograph of a farm where many different crops are growna map showing where different crops are growna map showing where different crops are growna diagram explaining which crops grow best in each regiona diagram explaining which crops grow best in each regiona chart showing the number of acres dedicated to growing different crops
a map showing where different crops are grown
Which graphic should be used in a presentation about building a bird feeder to help explain the steps involved?(1 point)Responsesa chart showing the materials needed to build the bird feedera chart showing the materials needed to build the bird feedera video showing how birds use a bird feedera video showing how birds use a bird feedera photograph showing a completed bird feedera photograph showing a completed bird feedera flowchart showing each part of the process for building a bird feeder
a flowchart showing each part of the process for building a bird feeder
Which type of detail would best support a presentation about the growth of bottled water sales over a certain period of time?(1 point)Responsesquotationsquotationsdefinitionsdefinitionsexamplesexamplesstatistics
Which of the following transition phrase could correctly complete the sentence below?I broke my cell phone when I dropped it. _________________ , I will have to borrow someone's phone or buy a new one.(1 point)Responsesin additionin additionat firstat firstas a resultas a resulton the other hand
Use the sentences to answer the question.I wanted to go to the grocery store with my mom. I had homework to do first.Which transition word should be used to connect the two sentences?(1 point)Responseseventuallyeventuallyhoweverhoweveras a resultas a resulttherefore
Use the sentence to answer the question.My basketball coach says I am a solid point guard because my assists have gone up twenty percent since last year.Which word or phrase in the sentence uses domain-specific language?(1 point)Responsescoachcoachplayerplayerpoint guardpoint guardtwenty percent
Which domain-specific word or phrase best completes the sentence? Select the correct answer from the list. (1 point)Our teacher suggested that we our papers to find any errors before writing a final draft.
Our teacher suggested that we revise our papers to find any errors before writing a final draft.