The correct answer is C. She longs for luxury and elegance. Madame Loisel experiences unhappiness because she feels that she deserves a life of luxury and is dissatisfied with her modest circumstances, which leads to her constant suffering and discontent.
The correct answer is B. She insists on borrowing an expensive necklace for the ball. This action directly leads to the outcome of the story, as borrowing the necklace sets in motion the events leading to her and her husband's struggles after losing it.
Use "The Necklace" to answer questions 1-2.
1. What motivates Madame Loisel's unhappiness with her life in the early part of The Necklace?
A. She is dissatisfied with her marriage.
B. She resents her friend's wealth.
C. She longs for luxury and elegance.
D. She is frustrated with her job.
2. Which action by Madame Loisel most directly leads to the eventual outcome of The Necklace?
A. She spends all her savings on a new dress.
B. She insists on borrowing an expensive necklace for the ball.
C. She confesses the truth about the lost necklace immediately.
D. She seeks help from her husband to return the necklace.
[1]Shewasoneofthoseprettyandcharminggirlsborn,asthoughfatehadblunderedoverher,intoafamilyofartisans.Shehadnomarriageportion,noexpectations,nomeansofgettingknown,understood,loved,andweddedbyamanofwealthanddistinction;andsheletherselfbemarriedofftoalittleclerkintheMinistryofEducation.Hertastesweresimplebecauseshehadneverbeenabletoaffordanyother,butshewasasunhappyasthoughshehadmarriedbeneathher.[2]Shesufferedendlessly,feelingherselfbornforeverydelicacyandluxury.Shesufferedfromthepoornessofherhouse,fromitsmeanwalls,wornchairs,anduglycurtains.Allthesethings,ofwhichotherwomenofherclasswouldnotevenhavebeenaware,tormentedandinsultedher..[3]Oneeveningherhusbandcamehomewithanexultantair,holdingalargeenvelopeinhishand."Here'ssomethingforyou,"hesaid.Shetorethepaperanddrewoutaprintedcardonwhichwere thesewords:"TheMinisterofEducationandMadameRamponneaurequestthepleasureofthecompanyofMonsieurandMadameLoiselattheMinistryontheeveningofMonday,Januarythe18th."
1 answer