Use the information to complete the task.

A unit square has been divided into equal-sized pieces.

A unit square.Short description, A unit square.,Long description,
The unit square is divided into equal-sized pieces making a grid. The grid has 5 rows and 4 columns.

A shaded section is 3 rows and 2 columns in size. It is labeled as having a length of 3-fifths and a width of 2-fourths.

Move numbers to the blanks to answer each question.

Response area with 5 blank spaces
How many pieces are shaded?
Blank space 3 empty

What is the size of each piece, in square units?

Blank space 4 empty

Blank space 5 empty

What is the area of the shaded rectangle, in square units?

Blank space 6 empty

Blank space 7 empty

Answer options with 12 options.

1 answer

Blank space 3: 6

Blank space 4: 1

Blank space 5: 1

Blank space 6: 3

Blank space 7: 2