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An infographic titled The War of 1812 lists information about the causes, the first declaration, and the combatants’ preparedness for war.
A chart with information about the War of 1812 is divided into three sections. Section 1 contains the causes for the war: British interfere with American shipping; British kidnap American sailors; Americans believe British are persuading Native Americans to fight settlers; some members of Congress (War Hawks) want U.S. expansion into Canada. Section 2 states that Congress is divided over the first declaration of war: 62% of the House is in favor, and 38% is opposed; 59% of the Senate is in favor, and 41% is opposed. Section 3 compares the United States and Britain’s preparedness for the War of 1812. The United States had 12,000 troops, 6 warships, 4,000 sailors, and 1,800 marines. Britain had 10,000 British and Canadian troops, 584 warships of which only 2 were available, 140,000 sailors worldwide, and 31,000 marines.
Based on the information in the chart, why might Congress have been divided about declaring war on Britain?
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