Use the following quote to answer the question

"For me, as for all the world, the War was a tragedy and a vast stupidity, a waste of youth and of time; it betrayed my faith, mocked my love, and irremediably spoilt my career."
— Vera Brittain, Testament of Youth

- tragedy: an event causing great suffering or distress
- betray: expose secrets or information
-mocked: tease or laugh
-irremediably: impossible to correct

Use the RAPP method to answer this question and answer in COMPLETE SENTENCES. Do not worry about being "wrong," I want your thoughts! The Lost Generation is known for its critical view of World War

How does this quote exemplify (show) this critical view? Use examples from the quote to back up your claim. Your answer should be 3-5 sentences.

1 answer

This quote exemplifies the critical view of the Lost Generation towards World War. The use of words like "tragedy" and "vast stupidity" suggest the immense suffering and senselessness of the war. The phrase "it betrayed my faith, mocked my love" indicates a deep personal betrayal and disillusionment caused by the war. Additionally, the mention of a spoilt career suggests that the war had long-lasting negative effects on the individuals of the Lost Generation. Overall, the quote portrays a strong disapproval and condemnation towards the war.