Use the experiment described to answer the question.

You will conduct an experiment at home.

Use the following materials:

Clear plastic bottle
150 mL of hot water
Follow these directions:

Start by pouring three teaspoons of yeast and two teaspoons of sugar into the plastic bottle. Then slowly pour the hot water into the bottle. Stretch the opening of the balloon, and place it over the bottle’s opening. Wait approximately 30 minutes. Observe the balloon inflating as the liquid starts to foam.

How do you know that a chemical change occurred in the experiment?

4 answers

You know that a chemical change occurred in the experiment because the yeast and sugar reacted with the hot water to produce carbon dioxide gas, which caused the balloon to inflate.
A. the yeast mixed with sugar

B. the balloon inflated

C. the hot water warmed the bottle

D. the balloon was stretched over the bottle
Read the answer.