Use the excerpt to answer the question.

“They are smaller and less muscular than the [lumberjacks] of ax and pick; but they are as hardy and self-reliant
as any men who ever breathed — with bronzed, set faces, and keen eyes that look…without flinching as they
flash out from under the broad-brimmed hats. Peril and hardship, and years of long [work]… never dim their
reckless eyes nor break their bearing of defiant self-confidence.”
— Theodore Roosevelt, rancher and U.S. president, in Ranch Life and the Hunting Trail (1888)
Which of the following statements accurately describes the cowboy way of life and is supported by this
description by Theodore Roosevelt? (1 point)
Cowboys typically were weak, untrained individuals who worked alone and could only find work on ranches.
Most cowboys were dedicated workers who performed a variety of jobs on ranches and on the cattle trail.
Many cowboys were tall, strong, multiskilled White men like the characters in movies and novels.
The cowboy characters depicted in movies and novels did not actually wear cowboy hats, boots, and chaps.

1 answer

Most cowboys were dedicated workers who performed a variety of jobs on ranches and on the cattle trail.