If they stick together the collision is NOT perfectly elastic. Energy is lost as heat.
You did the velocity stuck together correctly.
If it were perfectly elastic then it is a whole different ball game.
momentum before = momentum after
0.05 = .25 V2 + .3 V1
enerrgy before = energy after
(1/2)(.25)(.2^2) = (1/2).25 V2^2 + (1/2).3 V1^2
Use the equations below:
2) A linear air track can be used to investigate collisions. Two trolleys or “gliders� are supported on a cushion of air. A glider of mass 0.30kg is stationary in the middle of the track. A second glider of mass 0.25kg and velocity of 0.20ms-1 collides with the first glider and they stick together.
You may assume that this collision is perfectly elastic.
A) What is meant by a “perfectly elastic� collision?
B) Calculate the velocity of the glider combination immediately after the collision.
6 marks
please help with B
its 0.25 x 0.2+ 0.3 x 0 = (0.25+0.3)V as one of the trolley is 0.3kg so am i right?
so 0.05=0.55v
0.05/0.55= 0.0909..
am i right
2 answers
so it is elastic collision, the momentum before and after is same and i dont think you need tow ok out energy