use the contingency theories and contemporary leadership perspectives to compare the dominant leadership style of Cryil Ramaphosa and Xi Jinpeng during Covid 19 pandemic in their respective countries.

1 answer

Contingency theories and contemporary leadership perspectives provide a framework to analyze the leadership styles of Cyril Ramaphosa and Xi Jinping during the Covid-19 pandemic in their respective countries, South Africa and China.

1. Contingency Theories:
- Fiedler's Contingency Theory suggests that effective leadership depends on the fit between the leader's style and the situation.
- Ramaphosa: Ramaphosa adopted a transformational leadership style, emphasizing communication, empathy, and collaboration with various stakeholders. This approach was suitable for South Africa's diverse population and the need to address economic and social challenges.
- Xi: Jinping possesses a more autocratic leadership style, leading with decisive decision-making and strict control over policies and people. This aligns with China's centralized governance system and ability to implement measures quickly.

- Hersey and Blanchard's Situational Leadership Theory focuses on adapting leadership styles based on the maturity level of followers.
- Ramaphosa: As a transformational leader, Ramaphosa adapted his leadership style to match the varying levels of expertise and understanding among South Africans. He provided clear guidance and support while empowering local governments and communities to take action.
- Xi: Jinping's autocratic leadership style allowed him to exert top-down control and implement stringent measures promptly. This approach is suited to a situation where followers have limited expertise or decision-making capacity.

2. Contemporary Leadership Perspectives:
- Transformational Leadership involves inspiring and motivating followers to perform above what they thought possible.
- Ramaphosa: He inspired the South African nation through his transparent communication, empathetic messages, and prioritization of collaborative decision-making. This motivated citizens to adhere to preventive measures and work towards a common goal.
- Xi: Although Xi's autocratic leadership style may not align with the typical attributes of transformational leadership, his actions during the pandemic, such as visiting hospitals and mobilizing resources, aimed to inspire and instill confidence in the Chinese people.

- Authentic Leadership emphasizes transparency, moral behavior, and building trust.
- Ramaphosa: Ramaphosa's communication strategies, carrying the nation along in decision-making processes, and prioritizing the overall welfare, aligned with the principles of authentic leadership.
- Xi: Xi's leadership style prioritizes loyalty to the Communist Party, aiming to maintain social stability. While his approach may not align directly with authentic leadership, it reflects his aim of building societal trust through centralized control and decisive actions.

In summary, Cyril Ramaphosa adopted a more transformational and participative leadership style, focusing on collaboration and communication during the Covid-19 pandemic. Xi Jinping, on the other hand, employed a more autocratic leadership style, emphasizing control and decisive decision-making. Both leaders implemented their respective styles based on the contingency of their countries' political systems, culture, and societal needs.