Use the Chart to ansewer questions below:
Causes : Spanish Reconquista (1), Foundation of Religious Orders (2), Age of Exploration and Global Trade (3)
Effects: Increased Zeal within Spanish and Portugese Catholics, and New Methods and attitudes of conversion and religious relations (1). Different Orders with different goals, and Missionaries and missions spread Christianity (2). Contact with most of the world via trade voyages, and Discovered new religious/population (3).
Which statement correctly analyzes the cause-and-effect relationship between events involved in the intentional spread of Christianity worldwide over time?
The Spanish Reconquista used reductions to convert non-Christian populations. Religious orders promoted aggressive conversions, and the age of exploration used religious orders to spread Christianity worldwide.
The Spanish Reconquista used violence to fight and convert non-Christian populations. Religious orders promoted peaceful conversions, and the age of exploration introduced trade routes that spread Christianity worldwide.
The Spanish Reconquista used Jesuit missionaries to convert non-Christian populations. Religious orders promoted peaceful conversions, and the age of exploration introduced trade routes that spread Christianity worldwide.
The Spanish Reconquista used violence to fight and convert non-Christian populations. Religious orders promoted aggressive conversions, and the age of exploration used religious orders to spread Christianity worldwide.
1 answer