Use the arguments about the effects of video games on teenagers to answer the question.

Argument 1: Video games are fun, but they make teenagers less likely to engage in physical exercise.

Argument 2: Video games help teach teenagers to perform more than one task at the same time.

On which point do these two arguments disagree?
whether or not video games have any benefits for teenagers
whether or not video games have any benefits for teenagers

whether or not video games are fun for teenagers to play 
whether or not video games are fun for teenagers to play 

whether or not video games are a good substitute for exercise
whether or not video games are a good substitute for exercise

whether or not video games make teenagers more passive 

1 answer

The two arguments disagree on whether or not video games make teenagers more passive. Argument 1 suggests that video games make teenagers less likely to engage in physical exercise, implying that they make them more passive. However, Argument 2 suggests that video games help teach teenagers to perform more than one task at the same time, which implies that they do not make them more passive.