Just as a tire is an essential component of a bicycle, providing support and enabling movement, a window is a crucial element of a house, allowing light and air to enter and providing a view of the outside world.
Furthermore, a tire is typically made of rubber and is round in shape, just like how a window is often made of glass and is usually rectangular or square in shape.
Additionally, a bicycle would not be fully functional without a tire, as it is necessary for the bike to move smoothly and efficiently, much like how a house would not be complete without windows, as they serve important functions such as ventilation, insulation, and aesthetics.
Moreover, just as there are different types of tires for different purposes, such as mountain bike tires or road bike tires, there are also different types of windows for different needs, such as sliding windows, casement windows, or bay windows.
In conclusion, the relationship between tire and bicycle is similar to the relationship between window and house in that they are essential components that serve specific functions and contribute to the overall functionality and appearance of the object they are a part of.
Use the analogy to complete the activity.
In 102 sentences , explain the relationship in the analogy.
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