Use technology (such as GeoGebra) to find the correlation coefficient of the data. Round your r-value to two decimal places, if necessary.

5 22
6 29
7 28
8 31
9 37

1 answer

Using GeoGebra to find the correlation coefficient of the data:

1. Enter the data points into GeoGebra, with the first column representing the independent variable and the second column representing the dependent variable:

(5, 22)
(6, 29)
(7, 28)
(8, 31)
(9, 37)

2. Click on the "List & Spreadsheet" tool in GeoGebra to create a scatter plot of the data points.

3. Right-click on the scatter plot and select "Fit Line" to add a linear regression line to the plot.

4. The correlation coefficient (r-value) will be displayed on the screen.

After following these steps, the correlation coefficient of the data is approximately 0.97.