Use synthetic division to find the quotient and remainder: (2x^5-7x^3-5x^2+1)/(x-2)

This is what I got:
Quotient: 2x^4+4x^3+x^2-3x-6
Remainder: -11

Do i just leave the quotient like this: 2x^4+4x^3+x^2-3x-6?
Do I need to factor it down more?

please help and thank you

1 answer

Your division is correct

Since you have a remainder, the expression cannot be properly factored
the best you can so is say ...

(2x^5-7x^3-5x^2+1)/(x-2) = 2x^4+4x^3+x^2-3x-6 - 11/(x-2)