To compare the numbers 34,835,760 and 43,835,760 using scientific notation, we can convert both numbers into scientific notation.
For 34,835,760: \[ 34,835,760 = 3.4835760 \times 10^7 \]
For 43,835,760: \[ 43,835,760 = 4.3835760 \times 10^7 \]
Now, we can compare the two numbers directly in their scientific notation forms. Since both numbers are multiplied by \(10^7\), we need to compare the coefficients:
- \(3.4835760\) (for \(34,835,760\))
- \(4.3835760\) (for \(43,835,760\))
Since \(4.3835760 > 3.4835760\), we determine that:
\[ 43,835,760 > 34,835,760 \]
Thus, in scientific notation, \(43,835,760\) is greater and can be expressed as: \[ \boxed{4.3835760 \times 10^7} \]