To determine which number is greater, we can compare the exponents of the numbers in scientific notation.
34,835,760 in scientific notation is 3.483576 × 10^7
43,835,760 in scientific notation is 4.383576 × 10^7
Since the exponent of 4.383576 × 10^7 is greater than the exponent of 3.483576 × 10^7, the number 43,835,760 is greater.
Use scientific notation to determine which of these numbers is greater: 34,835,760 or 43, 835,760. Write your answer in scientific notation, expressed to the exact decimal place.
7 answers
Use scientific notation to determine which of these numbers has the least value: 123,893, 31,892, or 12,786. Write your answer on scientific notation, expressed to the exact decimal place.
To determine which number has the least value, we can compare the exponents of the numbers in scientific notation.
123,893 in scientific notation is 1.23893 × 10^5
31,892 in scientific notation is 3.1892 × 10^4
12,786 in scientific notation is 1.2786 × 10^4
Since the exponent of 3.1892 × 10^4 is smaller than the exponents of both 1.23893 × 10^5 and 1.2786 × 10^4, the number 31,892 has the least value.
123,893 in scientific notation is 1.23893 × 10^5
31,892 in scientific notation is 3.1892 × 10^4
12,786 in scientific notation is 1.2786 × 10^4
Since the exponent of 3.1892 × 10^4 is smaller than the exponents of both 1.23893 × 10^5 and 1.2786 × 10^4, the number 31,892 has the least value.
Use scientific notation to determine which of these numbers has the greatest value: 645,987,034; 645,897,430; or 546,789,340. Write your answer on scientific notation, expressed to the exact decimal place.
To determine which number has the greatest value, we can compare the exponents of the numbers in scientific notation.
645,987,034 in scientific notation is 6.45987034 × 10^8
645,897,430 in scientific notation is 6.4589743 × 10^8
546,789,340 in scientific notation is 5.4678934 × 10^8
Since the exponent of 6.45987034 × 10^8 is greater than the exponents of both 6.4589743 × 10^8 and 5.4678934 × 10^8, the number 645,987,034 has the greatest value.
645,987,034 in scientific notation is 6.45987034 × 10^8
645,897,430 in scientific notation is 6.4589743 × 10^8
546,789,340 in scientific notation is 5.4678934 × 10^8
Since the exponent of 6.45987034 × 10^8 is greater than the exponents of both 6.4589743 × 10^8 and 5.4678934 × 10^8, the number 645,987,034 has the greatest value.
Use scientific notation to determine which of these numbers has the greatest value: 654,987,034; 645,897,430; or 546,789,340. Write your answer on scientific notation, expressed to the exact decimal place.
To determine which number has the greatest value, we can compare the exponents of the numbers in scientific notation.
654,987,034 in scientific notation is 6.54987034 × 10^8
645,897,430 in scientific notation is 6.4589743 × 10^8
546,789,340 in scientific notation is 5.4678934 × 10^8
Since the exponent of 6.54987034 × 10^8 is greater than the exponents of both 6.4589743 × 10^8 and 5.4678934 × 10^8, the number 654,987,034 has the greatest value.
654,987,034 in scientific notation is 6.54987034 × 10^8
645,897,430 in scientific notation is 6.4589743 × 10^8
546,789,340 in scientific notation is 5.4678934 × 10^8
Since the exponent of 6.54987034 × 10^8 is greater than the exponents of both 6.4589743 × 10^8 and 5.4678934 × 10^8, the number 654,987,034 has the greatest value.