To compare the numbers 98,789,000; 987,890,000; and 89,987,000 using scientific notation, we will convert each number:
98,789,000 can be written as: \[ 9.8789 \times 10^7 \]
987,890,000 can be written as: \[ 9.8789 \times 10^8 \]
89,987,000 can be written as: \[ 8.9987 \times 10^7 \]
Now, we can compare the scientific notations. The exponents of \(10\) in the scientific notation tell us the order of magnitude of each number.
- For \(9.8789 \times 10^7\) (98,789,000), the exponent is \(7\).
- For \(9.8789 \times 10^8\) (987,890,000), the exponent is \(8\).
- For \(8.9987 \times 10^7\) (89,987,000), the exponent is \(7\).
Next, since \(10^8\) (in 987,890,000) is greater than both \(10^7\) terms, we can conclude that \(987,890,000\) has the highest value.
Now we need to compare \(9.8789 \times 10^7\) and \(8.9987 \times 10^7\):
- The coefficients are \(9.8789\) and \(8.9987\). Since \(8.9987 < 9.8789\), we can determine that \(89,987,000\) (or \(8.9987 \times 10^7\)) is less than \(98,789,000\) (or \(9.8789 \times 10^7\)).
Thus, the number with the least value among the three is \(89,987,000\), which can be expressed in scientific notation as:
\[ \boxed{8.9987 \times 10^7} \]