To convert 27/50 to a decimal using long division, follow these steps:
1. Place the dividend (27) inside the division bracket.
2. Divide the first digit of the dividend (2) by the divisor (50). The result is 0 with a remainder of 20.
3. Add a decimal point after the 0 in the quotient.
4. Write a zero after the decimal point.
5. Bring down the next digit of the dividend (7) next to the 0, and now the new dividend is 207.
6. Divide the new dividend (207) by the divisor (50). The result is 4 with a remainder of 7.
7. Write the digit 4 after the decimal point in the quotient.
8. Bring down the next digit of the dividend (0) next to the 7, and now the new dividend is 70.
9. Divide the new dividend (70) by the divisor (50). The result is 1 with a remainder of 20.
10. Write the digit 1 after the decimal point in the quotient.
11. Bring down the next digit of the dividend (0) next to the 20, and now the new dividend is 200.
12. Divide the new dividend (200) by the divisor (50). The result is 4 with a remainder of 0.
13. Write the digit 4 after the decimal point in the quotient.
14. Since the remainder is now 0, the division is complete.
15. The decimal equivalent of 27/50 is 0.54.
Use long term division to convert 27/50 to a decimal. (1 point)
1 answer