Use long divison to convert 27/50 to an decimal

2.Use long division to convert 3 3/8 to a decimal
3.Use long divison to convert 4/12 to a decimal
4. Use long division to convert 7/11 to a decimal
5. Use long divison to convert 5 3/16 to a decimal

1 answer

Let's convert the fractions to decimals using long division as requested:

  1. Convert 27/50 to a decimal:

    • 27 divided by 50:
      • 50 goes into 27, 0 times (0.)
      • Add a decimal point and a zero (270)
      • 50 goes into 270, 5 times (250)
      • Subtract: 270 - 250 = 20
      • Bring down another zero (200)
      • 50 goes into 200, 4 times (200)
      • Subtract: 200 - 200 = 0
    • The decimal representation of 27/50 is 0.54.
  2. Convert 3 3/8 to a decimal:

    • First, convert to an improper fraction: \(3 \frac{3}{8} = \frac{27}{8}\).
    • Now perform long division (27 divided by 8):
      • 8 goes into 27, 3 times (24)
      • Subtract: 27 - 24 = 3
      • Add a decimal (30)
      • 8 goes into 30, 3 times (24)
      • Subtract: 30 - 24 = 6
      • Bring down a zero (60)
      • 8 goes into 60, 7 times (56)
      • Subtract: 60 - 56 = 4
      • Bring down a zero (40)
      • 8 goes into 40, 5 times (40)
      • Subtract: 40 - 40 = 0
    • The decimal representation of 3 3/8 is 3.375.
  3. Convert 4/12 to a decimal:

    • First simplify 4/12 to 1/3.
    • Now perform long division (1 divided by 3):
      • 3 goes into 1, 0 times (0.)
      • Add a decimal point and a zero (10)
      • 3 goes into 10, 3 times (9)
      • Subtract: 10 - 9 = 1
      • Bring down a zero (10)
      • 3 goes into 10, 3 times (9)
      • Subtract: 10 - 9 = 1
      • This repeats, so the decimal is 0.333...
    • The decimal representation of 4/12 is approximately 0.33 (but more accurately, it's a repeating decimal: 0.333...).
  4. Convert 7/11 to a decimal:

    • Perform long division (7 divided by 11):
      • 11 goes into 7, 0 times (0.)
      • Add a decimal point and a zero (70)
      • 11 goes into 70, 6 times (66)
      • Subtract: 70 - 66 = 4
      • Bring down a zero (40)
      • 11 goes into 40, 3 times (33)
      • Subtract: 40 - 33 = 7
      • Bring down a zero (70)
      • Repeat the process...
    • This will result in 0.6363... (a repeating decimal).
    • The decimal representation of 7/11 is 0.63636... or approximately 0.63.
  5. Convert 5 3/16 to a decimal:

    • First, convert to an improper fraction: \(5 \frac{3}{16} = \frac{83}{16}\).
    • Now perform long division (83 divided by 16):
      • 16 goes into 83, 5 times (80)
      • Subtract: 83 - 80 = 3
      • Add a decimal point (30)
      • 16 goes into 30, 1 time (16)
      • Subtract: 30 - 16 = 14
      • Bring down a zero (140)
      • 16 goes into 140, 8 times (128)
      • Subtract: 140 - 128 = 12
      • Bring down another zero (120)
      • 16 goes into 120, 7 times (112)
      • Subtract: 120 - 112 = 8
      • Bring down a zero (80)
      • 16 goes into 80, 5 times (80)
      • Subtract: 80 - 80 = 0
    • The decimal representation of 5 3/16 is 5.1875.

In summary:

  1. 27/50 = 0.54
  2. 3 3/8 = 3.375
  3. 4/12 = 0.33 (or 0.333...)
  4. 7/11 = 0.63 (or 0.63636...)
  5. 5 3/16 = 5.1875