To convert six 7/15 to a decimal using long division, follow these steps:
1. Write down 6 as the dividend and 7/15 as the divisor:
15 │ 6
2. Divide the first digit of the dividend by the divisor and write the result above the line:
15 │ 6.4
3. Multiply the result above by the divisor and subtract it from the dividend. Write the remainder below the line:
15 │ 6.4
4. Bring down the next digit from the dividend (which is 0):
15 │ 6.4
5. Divide the new dividend (which is 0) by the divisor:
15 │ 6.4
6. The division ends here because the remainder is 0. The decimal representation of six 7/15 is 6.4.
use long division to convert six 7/15 to a decimal
1 answer