To convert 6715 to a decimal using long division, we need to assume that we are dividing it by 1000 to find its equivalent in decimal form. This is because converting a whole number to a decimal typically involves dividing it by a power of ten.
Set up the division: In this case, we will divide 6715 by 1000.
Perform the division:
- 1000 goes into 6715 six times (since \(6 \times 1000 = 6000\)).
- Subtract 6000 from 6715, giving us 715.
- Now we need to include the decimal point. Since 1000 has three zeros, we add three decimal places to the quotient.
- Bring down a zero making it 7150.
- Now, 1000 goes into 7150 seven times (since \(7 \times 1000 = 7000\)).
- Subtract 7000 from 7150, giving us 150.
- Bring down another zero making it 1500.
- 1000 goes into 1500 one time (since \(1 \times 1000 = 1000\)).
- Subtract 1000 from 1500, giving us 500.
- Bring down another zero making it 5000.
- 1000 goes into 5000 five times (since \(5 \times 1000 = 5000\)).
- Subtract 5000 from 5000, giving us 0.
Combining the results:
- So we have \(6.715\) as the result of \(6715 \div 1000\).
The final result, therefore, is:
So the answer from the choices provided is 6.715.