To convert 5316 to a decimal using long division, we divide 5316 by 1024.
Here are the steps for the long division:
- Set up the long division: Place 5316 under the long division symbol and 1024 outside.
- Determine how many times 1024 fits into the leading part of 5316:
- 1024 goes into 5316 approximately 5 times (since \( 1024 \times 5 = 5120 \)).
- Now subtract 5120 from 5316:
- \( 5316 - 5120 = 196 \).
- Bring down the next digits: The next digit to bring down is a 0 (so we treat this as 1960 now).
- Determine how many times 1024 goes into 1960:
- 1024 fits into 1960 approximately 1 time (because \( 1024 \times 1 = 1024 \)).
- Subtract:
- \( 1960 - 1024 = 936 \).
- Bring down the next digit (0) to make it 9360.
- Now find how many times 1024 goes into 9360:
- 1024 fits into 9360 approximately 9 times (since \( 1024 \times 9 = 9216 \)).
- Subtract:
- \( 9360 - 9216 = 144 \).
- Bring down the next digit (0) to make it 1440.
- Determine how many times 1024 fits into 1440:
- 1024 fits into 1440 approximately 1 time (so \( 1024 \times 1 = 1024 \)).
- Subtract:
- \( 1440 - 1024 = 416 \).
- Bring down the next 0 to make it 4160.
- Determine how many times 1024 fits into 4160:
- 1024 fits into 4160 approximately 4 times (because \( 1024 \times 4 = 4096 \)).
- Subtract:
- \( 4160 - 4096 = 64 \).
- Bring down the next digit (0) to make it 640.
- Determine how many times 1024 fits into 640:
- 1024 fits into 640 zero times.
- Bring down another 0 to make it 6400.
- Find how many times 1024 goes into 6400:
- 1024 fits into 6400 approximately 6 times (since \( 1024 \times 6 = 6144 \)).
- Subtract:
- \( 6400 - 6144 = 256 \).
- Bring down another 0 to make it 2560.
- Determine how many times 1024 fits into 2560:
- 1024 fits into 2560 approximately 2 times (since \( 1024 \times 2 = 2048 \)).
- Subtract:
- \( 2560 - 2048 = 512 \).
- Bring down another 0 to make it 5120.
- Determine how many times 1024 goes into 5120:
- 1024 fits into 5120 5 times (as previously calculated).
- Repeat the process until you continue getting remainders or whole digits.
After completing several steps (as illustrated), we find that the result of the division is:
\[ 5316 \div 1024 = 5.1875 \]
Thus, the correct response for converting 5316 to a decimal is: