To convert 5316 to a decimal using long division, we need to divide 5316 by a number. Since you haven't specified what you want to divide by, I will assume you meant to divide by 1000 to shift the decimal place.
5316 divided by 1000 gives:
- Set up the division:
1000 | 5316.000
You would first take 5316, which goes 5 times into 10000:
- 5 (which translates to 5000 when multiplied by 1000)
- 5316 - 5000 = 316 (remainder)
Now, bring down a zero, making it 3160.
- 1000 into 3160 goes 3 times (3000).
- 3160 - 3000 = 160 (remainder)
Bring down another zero, making it 1600.
- 1000 into 1600 goes 1 time (1000).
- 1600 - 1000 = 600 (remainder)
Bring down another zero, making it 6000.
- 1000 into 6000 goes 6 times (6000).
- 6000 - 6000 = 0 (remainder)
Now, combining these results yields:
\[ 5316 \div 1000 = 5.316 \]
However, none of the provided responses exactly match this result. The closest options to choose from are:
- ≈5.3
- 5.1875
- 0.1875
- 5.36
Among these options, ≈5.3 is the best choice as it effectively represents the number rounded off.
If you were looking for conversion to a different decimal with a specific divisor, please clarify and I will rerun the division based on that.