Use long division to convert 4 7/8 to a decimal.


1 answer

To convert 4 7/8 to a decimal using long division, follow these steps:

1. Write the whole number (4) as the dividend.
2. Multiply the whole number (4) by the denominator of the fraction (8), then add the numerator of the fraction (7). This gives us 4*8 + 7 = 32 + 7 = 39.
3. Write this number (39) as the new dividend below the original dividend.
4. Divide the new dividend (39) by the denominator (8). The quotient is the whole number result of the division, and the remainder is carried over. In this case, 39 divided by 8 equals 4 remainder 7.
5. Bring down the next digit of the dividend, which is 0 in this case.
6. Divide the new dividend (70) by the denominator (8). The quotient is the next decimal place, and the remainder is carried over. In this case, 70 divided by 8 equals 8 remainder 6.
7. Bring down the next digit of the dividend, which is also 0 in this case.
8. Divide the new dividend (60) by the denominator (8). The quotient is the next decimal place, and the remainder is carried over. In this case, 60 divided by 8 equals 7 remainder 4.
9. Repeat this process until you either reach the desired level of precision or the remainder becomes 0.
- The next digit would be 5, which brings the new dividend to 45. Divide 45 by 8, and the quotient is 5 remainder 5.
- The next digit would be 0, which brings the new dividend to 50. Divide 50 by 8, and the quotient is 6 remainder 2.
- The next digit would be 0, which brings the new dividend to 20. Divide 20 by 8, and the quotient is 2 remainder 4.
10. The remainder becomes 0 at this point, so the long division is complete.
11. The quotient, when read from left to right, represents the decimal equivalent of the original mixed number. In this case, for 4 7/8, the decimal is 4.875.

Therefore, 4 7/8 can be represented as 4.875 as a decimal.