To convert 4/15 to a decimal using long division, follow these steps:
1. Divide the numerator (4) by the denominator (15).
- Start with 4 ÷ 15
- The quotient is 0. (It's less than 1, so the decimal will be less than 1 too.)
- Write down 0 as the whole number part of the quotient.
2. Bring down a zero after the decimal point in the quotient (0).
- The new division problem is now 40 ÷ 15.
3. Divide 40 by 15.
- Start with 40 ÷ 15
- The quotient is 2. (It's greater than 1, so the decimal will be greater than 0 too.)
- Write down 2 as the decimal part of the quotient.
4. Multiply 2 by 15 to get 30.
5. Subtract 30 from 40 (the dividend).
- 40 - 30 = 10
6. Bring down a zero after the remainder (10).
- The new dividend is now 100.
7. Divide 100 by 15.
- Start with 100 ÷ 15
- The quotient is 6.
- Write down 6 after the decimal point.
8. Multiply 6 by 15 to get 90.
9. Subtract 90 from 100 (the dividend).
- 100 - 90 = 10
10. Bring down a zero after the remainder (10).
- The new dividend is now 100.
11. Divide 100 by 15.
- Start with 100 ÷ 15
- The quotient is 6.
- Write down 6 after the decimal point again.
12. Multiply 6 by 15 to get 90.
13. Subtract 90 from 100 (the dividend).
- 100 - 90 = 10
At this point, we have the remainder 10 again, which indicates a repeating decimal pattern. The decimal representation of 4/15 is 0.26 with a bar over the "6" to show the repeating pattern. So, the decimal form of 4/15 is approximately 0.26¯6.
Use long division to convert 4/15 to a decimal.
1 answer