To convert 4/15 to a decimal using long division, follow these steps:
1. Write 4 as the dividend and 15 as the divisor.
15| 4
2. Divide the first digit of the dividend (4) by the divisor (15) and write the quotient above the division line.
15| 4
3. Multiply the quotient (0.2) by the divisor (15) and write the product below the dividend.
× 15
15| 4
4. Subtract the product (3.0) from the dividend (4), and write the difference below the line.
× 15
- 3.0
15| 4 - 3.0
5. Bring down the next digit (0) from the dividend and append it to the difference.
× 15
- 3.0
6. Repeat steps 2-5 until you have a desired level of accuracy or until the division terminates (i.e., when the remainder is 0 or the pattern repeats).
In this case, since there is no nonzero remainder or repeating pattern, we can stop here.
Therefore, 4/15 as a decimal is approximately 0.2.
Use long division to convert 4/15 to a decimal.
1 answer