Use long division to convert 2750 to a decimal.(1 point)


15 answers

To convert 2750 to a decimal using long division, follow these steps:

1. Divide the first digit, 2, by the divisor, 10. The result is 0.
2. Bring down the next digit, 7, and divide it by 10. The result is 0.
3. Bring down the next digit, 5, and divide it by 10. The result is 0.
4. Bring down the last digit, 0, and divide it by 10. The result is 0.

Therefore, the decimal form of 2750 is 2750.0.
Use long division to convert 27/50 to a decimal.(1 point)
To convert 27/50 to a decimal using long division, follow these steps:

1. Place the divisor, 50, outside the long division symbol and the dividend, 27, inside the symbol.
50 | 27

2. Divide 27 by 50. The answer is 0.54.
50 | 27
- 0.54

Therefore, the decimal form of 27/50 is 0.54.
Use long division to convert 3 3/8 to a decimal.(1 point)
To convert 3 3/8 to a decimal using long division, follow these steps:

1. Convert the mixed number 3 3/8 into an improper fraction. Multiply the whole number, 3, by the denominator, 8, and then add the numerator, 3, to get the new numerator, 27. Keep the denominator as 8. The improper fraction representation is 27/8.
2. Place the divisor, 8, outside the long division symbol and the dividend, 27, inside the symbol.
8 | 27
3. Divide 27 by 8. The first quotient digit is 3 as 8 can be divided into 27 three times. Multiply 3 by 8 to get 24 and subtract it from 27 to get a remainder of 3.
8 | 27
- 24
4. Bring down the next digit, 0, and divide it by 8. The result is 0.375.
8 | 27.0
- 24

Therefore, the decimal form of 3 3/8 is 3.375.
Use long division to convert 415 to a decimal.(1 point)
To convert 415 to a decimal using long division, follow these steps:

1. Place the divisor, 10, outside the long division symbol and the dividend, 415, inside the symbol.
10 | 415

2. Divide 415 by 10. The first quotient digit is 41 as 10 can be divided into 415 forty-one times. Multiply 41 by 10 to get 410 and subtract it from 415 to get a remainder of 5.
10 | 415
- 410

Therefore, the decimal form of 415 is 415.0
Use long division to convert 4/15 to a decimal.(1 point)
To convert 4/15 to a decimal using long division, follow these steps:

1. Place the divisor, 15, outside the long division symbol and the dividend, 4, inside the symbol.
15 | 4

2. Since 4 is smaller than 15, add a decimal point to the dividend and add zeros after the decimal point. So now the dividend becomes 4.000.
15 | 4.000

3. Divide 4 by 15. The first quotient digit is 0 as 15 cannot be divided into 4. Multiply 0 by 15 to get 0 and subtract it from 4 to get a remainder of 4.
15 | 4.000
- 0

4. Bring down the next zero and divide it by 15. The result is 0.26.
15 | 4.000
- 0
- 30
- 90
- 90
- 0

Therefore, the decimal form of 4/15 is approximately 0.26.
Use long division to convert 7/11 to a decimal.(1 point)
To convert 7/11 to a decimal using long division, follow these steps:

1. Place the divisor, 11, outside the long division symbol and the dividend, 7, inside the symbol.
11 | 7

2. Since 7 is smaller than 11, add a decimal point to the dividend and add zeros after the decimal point. So now the dividend becomes 7.000.
11 | 7.000

3. Divide 7 by 11. The first quotient digit is 0 as 11 cannot be divided into 7. Multiply 0 by 11 to get 0 and subtract it from 7 to get a remainder of 7.
11 | 7.000
- 0

4. Bring down the next zero and divide it by 11. The result is 0.63.
11 | 7.000
- 0
- 66
- 33
- 66
- 33

5. Bring down the next zero and divide it by 11. The result is 0.636.
11 | 7.000
- 0
- 66
- 33
- 66
- 33
- 66
- 33
- 66
- 33
- 66
- 33

Therefore, the decimal form of 7/11 is approximately 0.636.
Use long division to convert 7/11 to a decimal.(1 point)

approximately equals 0.63



The decimal form of 7/11 is approximately 0.636.
Use long division to convert 5 3/16 to a decimal.(1 point)
To convert 5 3/16 to a decimal using long division, follow these steps:

1. Convert the mixed number 5 3/16 into an improper fraction. Multiply the whole number, 5, by the denominator, 16, and then add the numerator, 3, to get the new numerator, 83. Keep the denominator as 16. The improper fraction representation is 83/16.
2. Place the divisor, 16, outside the long division symbol and the dividend, 83, inside the symbol.
16 | 83

3. Divide 83 by 16. The first quotient digit is 5 as 16 can be divided into 83 five times. Multiply 5 by 16 to get 80 and subtract it from 83 to get a remainder of 3.
16 | 83
- 80

4. Bring down the next digit, 0, and divide it by 16. The result is 0.1875.
16 | 83.0
- 80
- 16
- 128
- 112
- 80

Therefore, the decimal form of 5 3/16 is approximately 5.1875.
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