To convert the integer 2716 to a decimal using long division, we are actually looking to represent the number in a form that makes sense (like dividing it by some other number or finding it in a fractional context). However, since you didn't specify a number to divide by, I will assume you meant dividing it by 1000 to get a decimal.
Let's perform the long division of 2716 by 1000.
Setup the division: 2716 ÷ 1000.
Determine how many times 1000 fits into 2716:
- 1000 goes into 2716 2 times (because \( 2 \times 1000 = 2000 \)).
Subtract: \[ 2716 - 2000 = 716 \]
Bring down the next digit:
- Since we are converting it to a decimal, we append a decimal point and a zero to make it 7160. This would be the next step in long division for novel digits.
Continue the division:
- 1000 goes into 7160 7 times (because \( 7 \times 1000 = 7000 \)).
Subtract: \[ 7160 - 7000 = 160 \]
Bring down the next zero:
- Now we have 1600.
1000 goes into 1600:
- 1 time (because \( 1 \times 1000 = 1000 \)).
Subtract: \[ 1600 - 1000 = 600 \]
Bring down the next zero:
- Now we have 6000.
1000 goes into 6000:
- 6 times (because \( 6 \times 1000 = 6000 \)).
Subtract: \[ 6000 - 6000 = 0 \]
So putting it all together, we have:
- 2 from \( 1000 \) into \( 2716 \)
- 7 from \( 1000 \) into \( 7160 \)
- 1 from \( 1000 \) into \( 1600 \)
- 6 from \( 1000 \) into \( 6000 \)
The result of \( 2716 ÷ 1000 = 2.716 \).
The correct answer from your responses is: