Use long division to convert 2716 to a decimal.(1 point)

A. 0.4375
B. 2.4375
C. 2.716

1 answer

To convert 2716 to a decimal using long division, we need to perform the division of 2716 by 1000, which gives us 2.716.

Here's how you can view it:

  1. Divide 2716 by 1000:
    • 1000 goes into 2716 two times (2×1000=2000).
    • Subtract 2000 from 2716, giving you 716 left.
    • Bring down the decimal point.
    • The next step is to consider how the tenths, hundredths, and thousandths work.


  • To find the tenths, we treat the remaining 716 as 716.000 which allows us to keep dividing:
    • 1000 goes into 716 zero times, so we put 0 after the decimal point.
    • Next, examine 7160.
    • 1000 goes into 7160 seven times (7×1000=7000).
    • Subtract 7000 from 7160, giving us a remainder of 160.
    • Now, bring down another zero (making it 1600).

Continuing the division:

  • 1000 goes into 1600 one time (1×1000=1000).
  • Subtract 1000 from 1600, giving us 600.
  • Bring down another zero (making it 6000).

Next step:

  • 1000 goes into 6000 six times (6×1000=6000).
  • Subtract 6000 from 6000, which leaves a remainder of 0.

Therefore, the complete result of dividing 2716 by 1000 is 2.716.

Thus, the answer is C. 2.716.