Use long division to convert 27/16 to a decimal

1 answer

To convert 27/16 to a decimal using long division, follow these steps:

1. Divide the numerator (27) by the denominator (16). Write down the whole number result.

- 27 ÷ 16 = 1

2. Multiply the whole number result by the denominator (16). Subtract the result from the numerator (27).

- 27 - (1 × 16) = 11

3. Bring down the next digit of the numerator (0) and write it next to the remainder (11) as the new dividend.

- 110

4. Divide the new dividend (110) by the denominator (16). Write down the new whole number result.

- 110 ÷ 16 = 6

5. Multiply the new whole number result by the denominator (16). Subtract the result from the new dividend (110).

- 110 - (6 × 16) = 14

6. Bring down the next digit of the numerator (0) and write it next to the remainder (14) as the new dividend.

- 140

7. Divide the new dividend (140) by the denominator (16). Write down the new whole number result.

- 140 ÷ 16 = 8

8. Multiply the new whole number result by the denominator (16). Subtract the result from the new dividend (140).

- 140 - (8 × 16) = 12

9. Bring down the next digit of the numerator (0) and write it next to the remainder (12) as the new dividend.

- 120

10. Divide the new dividend (120) by the denominator (16). Write down the new whole number result.

- 120 ÷ 16 = 7

11. Multiply the new whole number result by the denominator (16). Subtract the result from the new dividend (120).

- 120 - (7 × 16) = 8

12. There are no more digits in the numerator to bring down. The remainder (8) is less than the denominator (16), so we can stop the long division process.

Thus, 27/16 as a decimal is approximately 1.6875.