To convert 2/9 to a decimal using long division, follow these steps:
1. Multiply the numerator (2) by 10. (2 * 10 = 20)
2. Place the result (20) under the numerator (2) and draw a line.
20 | 2
3. Divide 20 by the denominator (9) to get the whole number quotient and the remainder.
Quotient: 2
Remainder: 2
4. Bring down the next digit from the dividend (0). Place it next to the remainder.
20 | 2.0
5. Multiply the new dividend (20) by 10. (20 * 10 = 200)
6. Divide 200 by the denominator (9) to get the whole number quotient and the remainder.
Quotient: 22
Remainder: 2
7. Bring down the next digit from the dividend (0). Place it next to the remainder.
20 | 2.0
- 20
8. Multiply the new dividend (20) by 10. (20 * 10 = 200)
9. Divide 200 by the denominator (9) to get the whole number quotient and the remainder.
Quotient: 22
Remainder: 2
The remainder is 2, and since it keeps repeating, we can conclude that the decimal equivalent of 2/9 is approximately 0.2 (with one decimal place).
Use long division to convert 2/9 to a decimal. Your approximation should have one decimal place.
1 answer