To convert 2/9 to a decimal using long division, follow these steps:
1. Set up the division problem: Write 2 as the dividend and 9 as the divisor.
9 | 2
2. Divide the first digit of the dividend by the divisor: 2 ÷ 9 = 0.2.
9 | 2.0
3. Multiply the divisor (9) by the quotient (0.2), and subtract the product from the dividend: 2 - (0.2 × 9) = 2 - 1.8 = 0.2.
9 | 2.0
- 1.8
4. Bring down the next digit of the dividend (0 in this case) after the decimal point: 0.
9 | 2.0
- 1.8
5. Divide the new dividend (0.2) by the divisor (9): 0.2 ÷ 9 = 0.022.
9 | 2.0
- 1.8
6. Multiply the divisor (9) by the quotient (0.022), and subtract the product from the new dividend (0.2): 0.2 - (0.022 × 9) = 0.2 - 0.198 = 0.002.
9 | 2.0
- 1.8
- 0.198
7. The remainder (0.002) is less than the divisor (9), so we stop here.
Therefore, 2/9 as a decimal approximation with one decimal place is approximately 0.2.
Use long division to convert 2/9 to a decimal. Your approximation should have one decimal place.(1 point)
15 answers
Use long division to convert 27/50 to a decimal.(1 point)
To convert 27/50 to a decimal using long division, follow these steps:
1. Set up the division problem: Write 27 as the dividend and 50 as the divisor.
50 | 27
2. Perform the division: Divide 27 by 50. The quotient is 0.54.
50 | 0.54
- 0
- 250
3. Bring down the next digit of the dividend (0): 0.
50 | 0.54
- 0
- 250
- 0
4. Divide the new dividend (20) by the divisor (50): 20 ÷ 50 = 0.4.
50 | 0.54
- 0
- 250
- 0.4
5. Continue the process until you have the desired level of precision or until you notice a repeating pattern. In this case, we can see that the remainder of 20 is less than the divisor of 50.
Therefore, 27/50 as a decimal is approximately 0.54.
1. Set up the division problem: Write 27 as the dividend and 50 as the divisor.
50 | 27
2. Perform the division: Divide 27 by 50. The quotient is 0.54.
50 | 0.54
- 0
- 250
3. Bring down the next digit of the dividend (0): 0.
50 | 0.54
- 0
- 250
- 0
4. Divide the new dividend (20) by the divisor (50): 20 ÷ 50 = 0.4.
50 | 0.54
- 0
- 250
- 0.4
5. Continue the process until you have the desired level of precision or until you notice a repeating pattern. In this case, we can see that the remainder of 20 is less than the divisor of 50.
Therefore, 27/50 as a decimal is approximately 0.54.
Use long division to convert 3 3/8 to a decimal.(1 point)
To convert 3 3/8 to a decimal using long division, follow these steps:
1. Rewrite 3 3/8 as an improper fraction: 3 3/8 = (3 * 8 + 3) / 8 = 27/8.
2. Set up the division problem: Write 27 as the dividend and 8 as the divisor.
8 | 27
3. Perform the division: Divide 27 by 8. The quotient is 3.
8 | 3
- 24
4. Bring down the next digit of the dividend (0): 0.
8 | 3.375
- 24
- 0
5. Divide the new dividend (30) by the divisor (8): 30 ÷ 8 = 3.75.
8 | 3.375
- 24
- 0.0
- 24
- 56
- 40
6. Continue the process until you have the desired level of precision or until you notice a repeating pattern. In this case, we can see that the remainder of 40 is less than the divisor of 8.
Therefore, 3 3/8 as a decimal is approximately 3.375.
1. Rewrite 3 3/8 as an improper fraction: 3 3/8 = (3 * 8 + 3) / 8 = 27/8.
2. Set up the division problem: Write 27 as the dividend and 8 as the divisor.
8 | 27
3. Perform the division: Divide 27 by 8. The quotient is 3.
8 | 3
- 24
4. Bring down the next digit of the dividend (0): 0.
8 | 3.375
- 24
- 0
5. Divide the new dividend (30) by the divisor (8): 30 ÷ 8 = 3.75.
8 | 3.375
- 24
- 0.0
- 24
- 56
- 40
6. Continue the process until you have the desired level of precision or until you notice a repeating pattern. In this case, we can see that the remainder of 40 is less than the divisor of 8.
Therefore, 3 3/8 as a decimal is approximately 3.375.
Use long division to convert 4/15 to a decimal.(1 point)
To convert 4/15 to a decimal using long division, follow these steps:
1. Set up the division problem: Write 4 as the dividend and 15 as the divisor.
15 | 4
2. Since 4 is less than 15, we need to add a decimal point and a zero after it to continue the division process:
15 | 0.4
3. Multiply the divisor (15) by the quotient you have so far (0) to get the next partial quotient and subtract it from the dividend: 4 - (15 × 0) = 4.
15 | 0.4
- 0
4. Bring down the next digit of the dividend (0) after the decimal point: 0.0.
15 | 0.4
- 0
5. Since we have no more digits to bring down from the dividend, we can add a zero after the decimal point and continue the division process:
15 | 0.40
6. Multiply the divisor (15) by the quotient so far (0.0) to get the next partial quotient and subtract it from the dividend: 4 - (15 × 0) = 4.
15 | 0.40
- 0
7. Bring down the next digit of the dividend (0) after the decimal point: 0.04.
15 | 0.40
- 0
8. Divide the new dividend (0.04) by the divisor (15): 0.04 ÷ 15 = 0.0026667 (rounded to the desired level of precision).
15 | 0.402
- 0
- 30
9. The remainder (2) is less than the divisor (15), so we stop here.
Therefore, 4/15 as a decimal approximation is approximately 0.267 (rounded to three decimal places).
1. Set up the division problem: Write 4 as the dividend and 15 as the divisor.
15 | 4
2. Since 4 is less than 15, we need to add a decimal point and a zero after it to continue the division process:
15 | 0.4
3. Multiply the divisor (15) by the quotient you have so far (0) to get the next partial quotient and subtract it from the dividend: 4 - (15 × 0) = 4.
15 | 0.4
- 0
4. Bring down the next digit of the dividend (0) after the decimal point: 0.0.
15 | 0.4
- 0
5. Since we have no more digits to bring down from the dividend, we can add a zero after the decimal point and continue the division process:
15 | 0.40
6. Multiply the divisor (15) by the quotient so far (0.0) to get the next partial quotient and subtract it from the dividend: 4 - (15 × 0) = 4.
15 | 0.40
- 0
7. Bring down the next digit of the dividend (0) after the decimal point: 0.04.
15 | 0.40
- 0
8. Divide the new dividend (0.04) by the divisor (15): 0.04 ÷ 15 = 0.0026667 (rounded to the desired level of precision).
15 | 0.402
- 0
- 30
9. The remainder (2) is less than the divisor (15), so we stop here.
Therefore, 4/15 as a decimal approximation is approximately 0.267 (rounded to three decimal places).
Use long division to convert 415 to a decimal.(1 point)
To convert 415 to a decimal using long division, follow these steps:
1. Set up the division problem: Write 415 as the dividend and 1 as the divisor.
1 | 415
2. Perform the division: Divide 415 by 1. The quotient is 415.
1 | 415
- 415
3. Bring down the next digit of the dividend (0): 0.
1 | 415
- 415
4. Since we have no more digits to bring down from the dividend, we can stop here.
Therefore, 415 as a decimal is 415.
1. Set up the division problem: Write 415 as the dividend and 1 as the divisor.
1 | 415
2. Perform the division: Divide 415 by 1. The quotient is 415.
1 | 415
- 415
3. Bring down the next digit of the dividend (0): 0.
1 | 415
- 415
4. Since we have no more digits to bring down from the dividend, we can stop here.
Therefore, 415 as a decimal is 415.
i meant 4/15
Apologies for the confusion. To convert 4/15 to a decimal using long division, follow these steps:
1. Set up the division problem: Write 4 as the dividend and 15 as the divisor.
15 | 4
2. Since 4 is less than 15, we need to add a decimal point and a zero after it to continue the division process:
15 | 0.4
3. Multiply the divisor (15) by the quotient you have so far (0) to get the next partial quotient and subtract it from the dividend: 4 - (15 × 0) = 4.
15 | 0.4
- 0
4. Bring down the next digit of the dividend (0) after the decimal point: 0.0.
15 | 0.4
- 0
5. Multiply the divisor (15) by the quotient so far (0.0) to get the next partial quotient and subtract it from the dividend: 4 - (15 × 0) = 4.
15 | 0.4
- 0
6. Bring down another zero after the decimal point: 0.00.
15 | 0.4
- 0
- 0
7. Multiply the divisor (15) by the quotient so far (0.04) to get the next partial quotient and subtract it from the dividend: 4 - (15 × 0.04) = 3.4.
15 | 0.4
- 0
- 3.75
8. Bring down another zero after the decimal point: 0.002.
15 | 0.40
- 0
- 3.75
- 25
9. Divide the new dividend (0.002) by the divisor (15): 0.002 ÷ 15 = 0.0001333 (rounded to the desired level of precision).
15 | 0.400
- 0
- 3.75
- 25
- 37
10. The remainder (6) is less than the divisor (15), so we stop here.
Therefore, 4/15 as a decimal approximation is approximately 0.267 (rounded to three decimal places).
1. Set up the division problem: Write 4 as the dividend and 15 as the divisor.
15 | 4
2. Since 4 is less than 15, we need to add a decimal point and a zero after it to continue the division process:
15 | 0.4
3. Multiply the divisor (15) by the quotient you have so far (0) to get the next partial quotient and subtract it from the dividend: 4 - (15 × 0) = 4.
15 | 0.4
- 0
4. Bring down the next digit of the dividend (0) after the decimal point: 0.0.
15 | 0.4
- 0
5. Multiply the divisor (15) by the quotient so far (0.0) to get the next partial quotient and subtract it from the dividend: 4 - (15 × 0) = 4.
15 | 0.4
- 0
6. Bring down another zero after the decimal point: 0.00.
15 | 0.4
- 0
- 0
7. Multiply the divisor (15) by the quotient so far (0.04) to get the next partial quotient and subtract it from the dividend: 4 - (15 × 0.04) = 3.4.
15 | 0.4
- 0
- 3.75
8. Bring down another zero after the decimal point: 0.002.
15 | 0.40
- 0
- 3.75
- 25
9. Divide the new dividend (0.002) by the divisor (15): 0.002 ÷ 15 = 0.0001333 (rounded to the desired level of precision).
15 | 0.400
- 0
- 3.75
- 25
- 37
10. The remainder (6) is less than the divisor (15), so we stop here.
Therefore, 4/15 as a decimal approximation is approximately 0.267 (rounded to three decimal places).
Use long division to convert 415 to a decimal.(1 point)
To convert 415 to a decimal using long division, follow these steps:
1. Set up the division problem: Write 415 as the dividend and 1 as the divisor.
1 | 415
2. Perform the division: Divide 415 by 1. The quotient is 415.
1 | 415
- 415
3. Bring down the next digit of the dividend (0): 0.
1 | 415
- 415
4. Since we have no more digits to bring down from the dividend, we can stop here.
Therefore, 415 as a decimal is 415.
1. Set up the division problem: Write 415 as the dividend and 1 as the divisor.
1 | 415
2. Perform the division: Divide 415 by 1. The quotient is 415.
1 | 415
- 415
3. Bring down the next digit of the dividend (0): 0.
1 | 415
- 415
4. Since we have no more digits to bring down from the dividend, we can stop here.
Therefore, 415 as a decimal is 415.
Use long division to convert 4/15 to a decimal.(1 point)
To convert 4/15 to a decimal using long division, follow these steps:
1. Set up the division problem: Write 4 as the dividend and 15 as the divisor.
15 | 4
2. Since 4 is less than 15, we need to add a decimal point and a zero after it to continue the division process:
15 | 0.4
3. Multiply the divisor (15) by the quotient you have so far (0) to get the next partial quotient and subtract it from the dividend: 4 - (15 × 0) = 4.
15 | 0.4
- 0
4. Bring down the next digit of the dividend (0) after the decimal point: 0.0.
15 | 0.4
- 0
5. Multiply the divisor (15) by the quotient so far (0.0) to get the next partial quotient and subtract it from the dividend: 4 - (15 × 0) = 4.
15 | 0.4
- 0
6. Bring down another zero after the decimal point: 0.00.
15 | 0.4
- 0
- 0
7. Multiply the divisor (15) by the quotient so far (0.04) to get the next partial quotient and subtract it from the dividend: 4 - (15 × 0.04) = 3.4.
15 | 0.4
- 0
- 3.4
8. Bring down another zero after the decimal point: 0.002.
15 | 0.40
- 0
- 3.4
- 6
9. Divide the new dividend (0.002) by the divisor (15): 0.002 ÷ 15 = 0.0001333 repeating (rounded to the desired level of precision).
15 | 0.400
- 0
- 3.4
- 6
10. The remainder (0) is less than the divisor (15), so we stop here.
Therefore, 4/15 as a decimal approximation is approximately 0.267 (rounded to three decimal places).
1. Set up the division problem: Write 4 as the dividend and 15 as the divisor.
15 | 4
2. Since 4 is less than 15, we need to add a decimal point and a zero after it to continue the division process:
15 | 0.4
3. Multiply the divisor (15) by the quotient you have so far (0) to get the next partial quotient and subtract it from the dividend: 4 - (15 × 0) = 4.
15 | 0.4
- 0
4. Bring down the next digit of the dividend (0) after the decimal point: 0.0.
15 | 0.4
- 0
5. Multiply the divisor (15) by the quotient so far (0.0) to get the next partial quotient and subtract it from the dividend: 4 - (15 × 0) = 4.
15 | 0.4
- 0
6. Bring down another zero after the decimal point: 0.00.
15 | 0.4
- 0
- 0
7. Multiply the divisor (15) by the quotient so far (0.04) to get the next partial quotient and subtract it from the dividend: 4 - (15 × 0.04) = 3.4.
15 | 0.4
- 0
- 3.4
8. Bring down another zero after the decimal point: 0.002.
15 | 0.40
- 0
- 3.4
- 6
9. Divide the new dividend (0.002) by the divisor (15): 0.002 ÷ 15 = 0.0001333 repeating (rounded to the desired level of precision).
15 | 0.400
- 0
- 3.4
- 6
10. The remainder (0) is less than the divisor (15), so we stop here.
Therefore, 4/15 as a decimal approximation is approximately 0.267 (rounded to three decimal places).