To convert 2/9 to a decimal using long division, follow the steps below:
1. Begin dividing 2 by 9:
2. Multiply the decimal obtained above (0.2) by 9 and subtract it from 2:
2 - (0.2 * 9) = 2 - 1.8 = 0.2
3. Bring down a 0 to the right of 0.2:
4. Multiply the decimal obtained (0.20) by 9:
0.20 * 9 = 1.8
5. Subtract 1.8 from 2:
2 - 1.8 = 0.2
6. Repeat steps 3-5 until the decimal part has the desired accuracy. In this case, we want to approximate to one decimal place, so we stop here.
Therefore, 2/9 can be approximated as 0.2 (to one decimal place).
Use long division to convert 2/9 to a decimal. Your approximation should have one decimal place.
4 answers
Use long division to convert 7/11 to a decimal.(1 point)
approximately equals 1.571428
approximately equals 1.571428
The Assyrian rulers divided their empire into 70 smaller units of government called provinces. Then they assigned a governor to each province who reported directly to the Assyrian ruler. What was the goal of this technique?(1 point) Responses to encourage trade throughout the empire to encourage trade throughout the empire to keep powerful governors from competing for the throne to keep powerful governors from competing for the throne to keep control of distant lands to keep control of distant lands to allow provinces to become separate empires
How was Darius able to maintain control of such a large empire?(1 point)
He forced provinces to pay tributes they were unable to afford.
He forced provinces to pay tributes they were unable to afford.
He gave local rulers some control over their government.
He gave local rulers some control over their government.
He established a different currency for each of the provinces.
He established a different currency for each of the provinces.
He adopted a monotheistic religion.
He forced provinces to pay tributes they were unable to afford.
He forced provinces to pay tributes they were unable to afford.
He gave local rulers some control over their government.
He gave local rulers some control over their government.
He established a different currency for each of the provinces.
He established a different currency for each of the provinces.
He adopted a monotheistic religion.