To convert 2 5/6 to a decimal using long division:
1. Write 2 as the whole number part and 5/6 as the fractional part.
2. Multiply the denominator of the fractional part (6) by a number that gives a product less than or equal to the numerator (5). In this case, 6 * 1 = 6.
3. Write 1 as the whole number part and 0 as the fractional part in the quotient.
4. Subtract the product (6) from the numerator (5). 5 - 6 = -1. Bring down the next digit (0).
5. Write -1 as the numerator and 6 as the denominator.
6. Multiply the denominator of the fractional part (6) by a number that gives a product less than or equal to the numerator (-1). In this case, 6 * -1 = -6.
7. Write -1 as the whole number part and -1 as the fractional part in the quotient.
8. Subtract the product (-6) from the numerator (-1). -1 - (-6) = 5. Bring down the next digit (0).
9. Write 5 as the numerator and 6 as the denominator.
10. Multiply the denominator of the fractional part (6) by a number that gives a product less than or equal to the numerator (5). In this case, 6 * 0 = 0.
11. Write 0 as the whole number part and 0 as the fractional part in the quotient.
12. Subtract the product (0) from the numerator (5). 5 - 0 = 5.
13. Write 5 as the numerator and 6 as the denominator.
14. Multiply the denominator of the fractional part (6) by a number that gives a product less than or equal to the numerator (5). In this case, 6 * 0 = 0.
15. Write 0 as the whole number part and 0 as the fractional part in the quotient.
16. Subtract the product (0) from the numerator (5). 5 - 0 = 5.
17. Since no more digits remain, the division is complete.
18. The decimal representation of 2 5/6 is approximately 2.83 when rounded to the nearest hundredth.
Use long division to convert 2 5/6 to a decimal. Round to the nearest hundredth.
1 answer