To convert \( 1320 \) to a decimal using long division, we can assume we're dividing it by \( 1 \) (or simply converting it into a decimal format if it were a fraction).
However, if you'd like to see how to convert \( 1320 \) into a decimal with a fraction representation (like \( \frac{1320}{1} \)), here is a way we can express \( 1320 \) without any actual division necessary:
- Write the number: \( 1320 \)
- Divide by \( 1 \): \( 1320 \div 1 = 1320.0 \)
Since \( 1320 \) is already a whole number, adding a decimal point and zero does not change its value.
So, using long division indicated above, we find:
\[ 1320.0 \]
Thus, the decimal representation of \( 1320 \) is \( 1320.0 \).
If you meant converting a large number to a smaller decimal (like \( 1320 \) divided by \( 10 \), or something similar), please clarify, and I can show you that as well.