To convert the whole number 1230 to a decimal, we need to divide it by 1000.
Performing the long division:
1230 divided by 1000:
- 1000 goes into 1230 once (1).
- 1 * 1000 = 1000
- Subtract 1000 from 1230, which leaves us with 230.
We then bring down two zeros from the decimal point (making it 23000):
- 1000 goes into 2300 two times (2).
- 2 * 1000 = 2000
- Subtract 2000 from 2300, leaving us with 300.
Bring down another zero making it 3000:
- 1000 goes into 3000 three times (3).
- 3 * 1000 = 3000
- Subtract 3000 from 3000, leaving us with 0.
So, the division gives us:
1230 รท 1000 = 1.230 or 1.23 as a decimal.
To express 1230 as a decimal without the divisor being explicitly stated, it is equivalent to:
12.3 when considering the multiplication by \(10\).
Based on the responses, the correct conversion of 1230 would be 12.3.