To convert \( \frac{12}{30} \) to a decimal using long division, follow these steps:
Set up the division: We want to divide 12 by 30. Since 30 is larger than 12, we know the result will be less than 1. So we can add a decimal point and a zero to 12, making it 12.0.
Start the long division:
- 30 goes into 120 (after adding the decimal) four times because \( 30 \times 4 = 120 \).
- Place 4 above the decimal point.
- Subtract: \( 120 - 120 = 0 \).
Result: Since there are no remaining numbers and we have no remainder, we conclude that \( \frac{12}{30} = 0.4 \).
Thus, the decimal form of \( \frac{12}{30} \) is \( 0.4 \).
The correct response is 0.4.