To convert 1120 to a decimal using long division, we will divide 1120 by 1, which is effectively just the number itself. However, it seems you might be looking to convert 1120 into a decimal format, perhaps as a fraction or decimal representation of a number in relation to something else.
If you want to express 1120 as a decimal, it is already a whole number. So, it can be represented as:
\[ 1120 = 1120.0 \]
If you meant to divide 1120 by another number (like 10 or 100) to convert it to a decimal, please clarify, and I'll help with that specific division.
If you're looking to divide by a divisor, let’s assume you want to divide 1120 by 100 to convert it into a decimal. Here’s the long division setup for that:
Set up the Long Division:
- Divide 1120 by 100.
Long Division Process:
- 1 goes into 1, 0 times (write 0).
- 1 goes into 11, 0 times (write 0).
- 1 goes into 112, 1 time (write 1, we have 100).
- Subtract: 112 - 100 = 12.
- Bring down the next digit (0 from 1120).
- Now you have 120.
- 100 goes into 120, 1 time (write 1).
- Subtract: 120 - 100 = 20.
- Since there are no more digits to drop, add a decimal and a 0.
- Now you have 200.
- 100 goes into 200, 2 times (write 2).
- Subtract: 200 - 200 = 0.
So, the answer of dividing 1120 by 100 is:
\[ 1120 \div 100 = 11.2 \]
If you were referring to something different, please specify!