Use l'Hospital's Rule to evaluate ((te^7t)/7)-((e^7t)/49)?

3 answers

L'Hopital's Rule, not L'Hospital's, is used in the evaluation of limits.
Is this a limit question?

Here is a nice video by Sal of Khan Academy, with an introduction to it.
((te^7t)/7)-((e^7t)/49) = e^(7t) (7t-1)/49
What is the limit on t?
t->0 : no problem
t->∞ : ∞
t->-∞ : 0
t -> 1/7 : 0

you need something like 0/0 or 0*∞ of ∞/∞ for l'Hospital's Rule
t is the limit.Is there other way to solve this?