Use Jayce’s outline to write your own literary analysis in a short paragraph in about 3 to 4 sentences of White Fang. Consider each of the bulleted points mentioned in the lesson:
• how the author develops the plot
• whether the structure of the novel makes sense
• how and why the characters change (what they learn, and how their change points to the novel’s theme)
• how the setting affects the characters and the plot
1 answer
In White Fang, Jack London creatively develops the plot by slowly revealing the dog's transformation from a wild beast to a domesticated pet. The novel's structure makes sense as it follows the chronological order of White Fang's life. The characters develop as they learn to adapt to new environments and overcome challenges, ultimately revealing the theme of survival and adaptation. The setting, particularly the harsh wilderness of Yukon, greatly affects both the plot and characters, highlighting the challenges and obstacles they face.