Use information to answer. The correct food chain illustration is

A.producer - buds; first order consumer - ticks; second- order consumer - moose
B. producer - sun; first order consumer - moose; second- order consumer - moose
C. producer - buds; first order consumer - moose; second- order consumer - ticks
D. producer - ticks; first order consumer - moose; second- order consumer - buds

The information is: during some years moose are greatly infected with ticks. High density of ticks (#/cm2) can cause the death of weakened moose. The principal food of moose is buds of willows and hazelnut shrubs.

1 answer

C. producer - buds; first order consumer - moose; second- order consumer - ticks

This food chain illustrates the relationship between the moose, which feed on buds of willows and hazelnut shrubs, and the ticks, which are parasites that can cause harm to the moose population.