Your son is doing very well! :-)
In the sentence about the galaxy, he didn't use an action verb. An action verb to use with galaxy could be "has." Our galaxy has many stars.
For the last one --
Stars reflect light from the sun.
The light from stars travel a long way.
use each word or phrase as the subject of a sentence. add a verb describing an action that place in the present. make sure each verb agrees with its subect.
they give a word my son make a sentence i just want to now did he write correct sentence or no
the sun- the sun shines very bright.
some stars- some stars make constellations.
our galaxy- our galaxy is full for stars.
a telescope- a telescope can see for things.
constellations- constellations are made by stars.
my son need help in here he say he didn't get what he write in two sentence here so please help me for my son thank you
write two sentences about stars. use verbs that desribe action in the present.
5 answers
*The light from stars travels a long way.*
Thank you for the correction, Savannah. :-)
thank you savannah and ms sue
You're welcome, DW.