Use Delfino II: Diez in the Desert to fill in the blank make sure to only fill in the blanks do not change the format
This literary piece shows that the character(insert the name of the character) _______ was deeply affected by the border. The character was thinking(What was the character thinking about the border or border crossing? ________________. He/She was also feeling (What was the character feeling about the border or border crossing?_____________. The author teaches the reader (What did the author teach you about borders in this story? What lesson was learned?) _________________.
1 answer
This literary piece shows that the character Delfino II: Diez was deeply affected by the border. The character was thinking about the border crossing and the risks involved. He/She was also feeling anxious and scared about the uncertainty of the journey. The author teaches the reader about the hardships and struggles of crossing borders illegally and the dangers that individuals face in search of a better life.