Use benchmark

1 7/8+1/9
D.2 1/2

11 answers

what is your answer
uh B
Please I need someone to help me
you are wrong
Then can you show me how to solve it
what is it
Ms. sue can you help please
1 7/8+1/9
What is the closest whole number to 1 7/8?
What is the closest whole number to 1/9?
Cut out one of the rows, and try singing it now ...

Row, row your boat gent-
ly down the stream mer-
rily, merrily, merrily, merrily. Life
is but a dream ...
its 2.

1 7/8 is closer to 2
1/9 is closer to 0.


2 in your answer
but there are 32 questions on the test not 4 :/