To determine whether the answer is reasonable, we need to first establish the division problem you're referring to. Assuming you are dividing 815 by a certain number, we can estimate the quotient and see if the answer you've provided (815 R6, 815 R5, etc.) is reasonable based on that.
Let’s consider an example division problem: \( 815 \div 5 \).
Step 1: Estimate the quotient
To estimate, we can round 815 to the nearest hundred, which is 800. Then, we divide: \[ 800 \div 5 = 160 \]
Step 2: Check the options
- If the answer provided was 815 R6, then we need to perform the division itself to see the actual quotient: \[ 815 ÷ 5 = 163 \quad (remainder 0) \] So, the proper answer is 163 with no remainder. Thus, "815 R6" is not reasonable.
Step 3: Actual quotient
Let’s calculate \( 815 \) divided by \( 5 \):
- \( 5 \) goes into \( 8 \) (the first two digits of 815) once (1), leaving \( 3 \).
- Bring down the next digit (1) to make \( 31 \).
- \( 5 \) goes into \( 31 \) six times (6), leaving \( 1 \).
- Bring down the last digit (5) to make \( 15 \).
- \( 5 \) goes into \( 15 \) three times (3), with no remainder.
Thus, \[ 815 ÷ 5 = 163 \]
The estimated answer was reasonable compared to the actual quotient, which is 163 with no remainder. Comparing to the options you provided, if one of the options was "no; 815 R6," that answer is indeed not reasonable. Depending on the actual divisor, please provide that for an accurate calculation.