Use an activity series to identify two metals that will not generate hydrogen gas when treated with an acid.

We never did the activity and I don't know what the answer is. Please help. Thank you.

Look in your text or notes for the activity series or electromotive force series (of metals). This list consists of a column of metals with the most reactive at the top and the least reactive at the bottom. H is about 2/3 from the top. How are you to know which metals will not displace H gas from an acid? Those metals ABOVE H in the activity series WILL displace H from an acid; those metals below H in the activity series will NOT displace H from an acid. You just pick out two metals below H in the table. I will look on the web and see if I can find a table for you to use just in case you don't have one handy. I will make a supplementary post for that.