Adverb intensifiers are specific types of adverbs that enhance or amplify the meaning of another adverb. They are commonly used to emphasize the degree, extent, or intensity of the action being described. Here are two examples of adverb intensifiers:
1. Very: It intensifies the degree of an adverb and is used to indicate a high level or strong emphasis. For example:
- She spoke very loudly during the concert. (The adverb "loudly" is intensified by "very" to convey a higher level of volume.)
- The car was driving very fast on the highway. (The adverb "fast" is intensified by "very" to emphasize a high speed.)
2. Extremely: It intensifies the extent or intensity of an adverb and is used to state something to an extreme degree. For example:
- The puppy was extremely cute. (The adverb "cute" is intensified by "extremely" to emphasize an exceptionally high level of cuteness.)
- He was extremely pleased with his exam results. (The adverb "pleased" is intensified by "extremely" to convey a deep level of satisfaction.)
Use Adverbs that Modify Adverbs (pages 10 and 11) - Explain and give 2 examples of adverb intensifiers.
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