URGENT: Can anyone please show me how to write this code in python??
Recall that when the built-in function float() is called it returns a floating-point number constructed
from a number or string. However, if the string doesn’t represent a valid floating-point value, an
exception is raised.
Write a function safeFloat() that takes one parameter, x — a number or string that needs to be
converted to floating point number. When safeFloat() is used to convert a number or string, an
equivalent floating point number is returned if no exception is raised, just like for the float() function. If
an exception is raised while trying to convert a number or string, safeFloat() should return 0.0 floating
point value.
For example, the following is correct output:
>>> # float()
>>> float('abc')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#9>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: could not convert string to float: 'abc'
>>> # safeFloat()
>>> f = safeFloat('abc')
>>> print(f)